Thread Catcher - Triangle Method

Yesterday I showed you hoe to make a thread catcher from squares and today it is triangles we will be useing.  I use my 60* triangle ruler and cut two  co-ordinating fabrics out the largest size (the larger the triangle the larger the thread catcher)  . Which for my ruler is approximately 8".

I put a knit interfacing, to give it a little body,but not stiffness, on one  back side of one piece.

I then sew around the triangle with  1/4 " seam allowance,  making sure to leave opening in the middle of one of the sides.  This is so you will not have to hand stitch the opening closed. It will be sewn together  later.

Once sewn , clip off points to reduce bulk. Then you will be able to turn fabric to the right sides out.  Proceed to the iron and press flat.

Pull two points together and sew 1/8" away from edges and only half of the way up.  This is where you will sew over opening(that is why it is in middle).

Either mark each side with a pin or soluable marker so catcher is sewn same amount on each side.

Once all sides are sewn you will have a catcher that looks like this.

Then you just need to tack down flaps or add buttons to hold down.   Hope you enjoy these ! They make cute little gifts.  Enjoy each moment, you won't have it again.  martha


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