What are they really?

I am not sure if my hexagons are kaleidoscope hexagons or one block wonder blocks.  But I am going to stick to calling them Kaleidoscope Hexagons.  I found out about them from here . Just look on the right side for her tutorials and click on it .

 Then today on Moosebay Muses blog  she is looking for one block wonders which look like my blocks also.  Look  here for the one block wonders.

I have a pic of a baby quilt which still has three seams that need to be sewn but is mostly together.

It has been dark here today with snow off and on.  Hopefully you can see blocks better by clicking on them and enlarging them.  It is so amazing that they come from one fabric  ! I will stick to calling them kaleidoscope hexagons. 



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