Pinetree Patchworkers Block Exchange

There are ten members from our guild who have joined together to do a monthly block exchange. Wednesday was the first meeting where we were to bring our finished  blocks to that months recipent, which was Carol Nelson.  I had to work that day so I will be bringing mine to guild meeting on Monday.  I intend in making one block of each month's  challenge for myself as a personnel record of our endeavor.  This is a pic of my first month's challenge for myself....

Kathleen Hughes has the second month block exchange challenge and she stopped by the store and gave  Denise and I her directions.  I finished her blocks  after work yesterday and they are here....

The brown fabric squares are focus fabric that she wanted each person to use in their blocks which she provided.  Now I need to make a block for myself.

Victoria Findlay Wolfe also known as Bumble Beans asked if people who knew her, met her, took a class from her, etc. would make her an autograph block ( signature). She gave dimensions and requirements on her blog and I mailed that off today also.  I used Cherrywood in it.

 I am headed for my sewing room to start "Something Blue" by Pam Buda. I will show a pic when I have some thing finished at least partway. Chatter later, Martha.


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