Show and Tell

First of all I finished another embroidered block and have it to show you....

I have also finished another small quilt from Pam Buda's Journey five , just needs to be quilted, as it is a flimsy at the moment.

I used up some 10" squares of Kansas Troubles to piece a backing for this ....

We had some beautiful show and tell from our  Prairie Women Sewing Circle group. Just awesome!
Karen is hand stitching her star blocks!

Bunny Witt's Pam Buda!
Karen DeVries  nine patch.

Karen DeVries civil war soldier's quilt.

Mary Theurer with her wool and cotton applique.

Colleen Both's bowtie quilt. So cute!

Bunny Witt with embroidered pouch.

Table runner from left overs by Bunny .

Linda Johnson's baby quilt. She is so lucky to have twelve grandkids!

We will chatter with you later this week, Martha.


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