July's Prairie Women

We had our Prairie Women's Sewing Circle meeting last Tuesday and I wanted to share some pics with you.  

 Linda Johnson made this lovely table runner!  

Paula Murray showing her Wish quilt block she has finished.  

And some of the Dear Jane blocks she has designed herself!

Mary Theurer had this Tee Shirt she made for a friend's son. And she finished her applique on her Carolina Lilly quilt.

Bonnie Witt is holding up a purse that Sharon Nelson made! Along with a pot holder and small wall hanging she whipped up!

Can you also see the little x tool block quilt!  Just the size of a small mug rug! Too cute! Very busy women!

Beth Fabian also had a cute small quilt.

I  have a pic of a quilt I just took to  Rebecca Anakala To have quilted, it is an elongated hexagon quilt.

All for now , chatter later,Martha.


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