Quilt Guild Challenge

I finished my quilt guild challenge!  Yes it is quilted and bound and ready! I filled out my form and took the pic and ready for the May 11th deadline.

Yesterday we had our second meeting of our Simple Whatnots by Kim Diehl.

Lorna Weins brought her mini log cabinquilt for show and tell!

Lori Strubel brought  her start to a new Kim Diehl quilt she is working on. This is one row and she is going for king size!

This is Gail Temple with her version of " Hen Pecked".

Georgia  brought this lovely example of a star quilt and

she finised "Laundry Day " from collection I .  I just wasn't quick enough with the camera to get a pic before she put it done on her chair.

This is Linda Johnson's star quilt she brought to show us.

 Here is Linda!

This is Lorna again with her courthouse steps!

Mary Theuer brought this star quilt to share with us.

And this version of courthouse steps. Plus she brought  the raffle quilt from her quilt group to show us!

It was lovely and huge! Tickets were only $2.00.  Thanks for visiting the blog and letting me share with you, chatter later,Martha.


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