Guild Class

Our quilt guild , Pinetree Patchworkers , is  having another class this month. The last time we had a class I had to cool off my iron in a snow bank. Well there are no snow banks now, thank goodness! So I decided to make  myself an insulated iron carrier / ironing mat.

I used this pattern. It came with heat resistant fabric. So all I had to provide was batting and outside  main fabric and two buttons.  I already had some webbing for the handles, so I was set. I did not even have to make binding as I had some leftover that worked fine. I keep all my leftover binding rolled on paper towel cardboard rolls.

This is a pic of it around my iron...

This is it open and flat, ready for an iron.

I am ready for the class next week and will be able to bring that iron home safely! 
Chat later,Martha.


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