Moving Forward

One should be always looking forward towards the next thing on your list.  Lately I have been able to do this!  I have two things going on my list right now , one of them is Kim Diehl's Simple Whatnots II collection. They are simply divine!! I finished the first one that is a bonus pattern....

I got my berries on , quilted and bound. Love it .  The second one is a blue and cream one, only about 23 1/2" by 23 1/2" big.

I have it layered and need to start quilting it next.  I recieved my alphabet  quilt back from Rebecca Anakkala who quilted it for me.   Hopefully you can see some of the quilting from the back....

To me this is a  clamshell design.  Here is the front...

So now I must find time to bind this also.

I have finished my owl block of my "Wooly Critter Sampler" as shown here...

Still have some time this afternoon to prepare another block for hand stitching while watching " Downton Abbey", chatter with you later, Martha.


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