Rush In The New Year!

 Or am I rushing in the new year ?  First ,I was excited as everyone else to get the instructions to put together the Mystery Quilt ;  as of this moment I ony have a few blocks put together. I would like to share those with you now....

I will share my progress with you in a few days.  Meanwhile those four days between finishing the last clues and receiving these last directions, I was bored,so I started a flannel quilt for my bed. I had been collecting    acquiring print  flannel fat quarters for the past one and a half years. I was able to acquire some solids recently also ,enough for that queen size quilt in autumnal colors ( my favorite). I was not able to find one single pattern that rang my chimes. So I combined parts of three different ones. I took the 6" simple squares put together radomly from one pattern.  I took the sunflower applique , but only in a small band 3/4 of the way up (not an all over the top  pattern ). There will be some appliqued black crows or ravens (three , I think should be enough) and there are already three ants sewn into the band of sunflowers.

I have a stack of squares cut and ready to sew....

I have the first six rows of 16 put together....

It will be about 90" square.

I will set this aside for the moment to finish up Bonnie Hunter's pattern.

I received a quilt back from Connie Krueger who quilted my "Farmhouse Revival". At one point I was going to try and do it myself with stitch in the ditch, but finally gave up that idea. I did get it bound and a label on the back(give credit where credit is due).

Sorry about the orange wood floors, I think I need a new camera.

I will be sharing my progress as I have said ,so chatter later and hope your New Year is ringing in just fine!


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