What's up?

Yes besides the covid -19 counts! I have been making more masks, but mine are not like most posts of masks. I don't find the ones with pleats very comfortable. So I tried another pattern of the four free patterns Moda has on their blog and web site.  I also have some 1/4" elastic left, about 10 yards, however I find it is stiff and uncomfortable to my ears. In previous masks I have used fold over elastic. I have run out of that and am in limbo while more is on its way.  So for the last 8 masks I have used pony tail holder elastic bands! Works well and is gentle and soft on the ears.

I have also finished binding another charity quilt I recently got back from the quilter's. Took some pictures on the deck this morning because the weather is so nice!

Binding as you can see is scrappy black from that dreaded 2 1/2" strip bin!

I also had enough of this black algebra fabric for the backing!

I made one more placemat from my remenants.

I have also started another small quilt from one of Edyta Sitar's patterns called "Danceing Umbrellas". I have eight blocks ready to sew down, but that's as far as I have gotten with it. It has 30 blocks total.

I'm doing a little variation with her umbrellas. Making this my own. and I might even try to do some quilt as you go on this.  Time will tell, it depends on how bored I get with it. Chatter later, Martha.


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