New Quilt Started

I have started a new quilt with my bin of 2 1/2" strips and combined them with two background fabrics for a checkerboard interest. It's a take off of a rail fence pattern.

Mostly greys and neutrals in the rail fence part. Kind of a bland rail fence really.  This will be quilt # 8 from the bin. Quilt # 7 is pressed with backing in a bag waiting to be exchanged when quilt # 6 is finished from quilter. So you need some reminder pictures of quilt #7....

And now some pictures of quilt#6 back from quilter and bound with label on....

This was the quilt with backing from Marcia Derse and new millenium  (2000)  fabric from Jenny Beyer! Quilt # 5 is the quilt now in the hands of my quilter Karl Muller....

Top made with some of Marcia Derse leftovers! I hope you enjoyed the breakdown of my scrap quilting, chatter with you later, Martha.


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