Attitude Adjustment

I have been working on my "Attitude Adjustment" by Cathy Wierzbicki. It is a modified pattern from her "Nine Patch with Attitude" pattern ; which is in her book "Geometric Gems " book. "Attitude Adjustment" can be found in Fons and Porter's Scrap Quilt magazine Fall 2014.

The finished pic from Fons & Porter....

Attitude Adjustment

Nine Patch  with Attitude

Now I have a series of photos to show my progression with my quilt, Attitude Adjustment.....

It turned out to be a bit smaller than both of the other patterns because I ran out of my background fabric(tan fabric). So instead of being 81" x 81" mine is 66" x 81". Now all I have left is ironing and sewing together the back two pieces. 

Thank you for stopping by, chatter later,Martha.


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