Pineapple Borders!

I made quite a bit of  progress on my piano key borders yesterday. Finished them! A few pics to show you my progression of work.....

                             Melon and grey borders are first up.

First key border

Second key border

Third Border

Last key border

Two of my donations to the Camp Knutson Quilt auction were a little bit late to be turned in, but that just means they're early for next year! And that they can go into the Crow Wing  County Fair ! They both won blue ribbons and the Lori Holt "Autumn Love" That was hand applique won a reserve champion....

"My Mother's Tears"

                        This one was a handkerchief quilt.

So I am hoping that will help raise more money for charity. I guess we'll see. All for now, chatter later Martha.


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