Another One Done

I finished another quilt top using my 2 1/2" strips. I made twelve blocks , three rows of four and then wanted to make it a little bit wider as it only finished at 48 1/2" wide. Didn't want a border all the way around.  Didn't want it to look fenced in. So I decided to make a border only on one side. I had plenty of 2 1/2" and 4 1/2" strips left and decided to make a 4 1/2" extra border using them.

I have the backing sewn together, as I somehow have an abundance still of fat quarters of flannel left in my scraps. I will be taking this top to the quilter's today! I also began another top with these 12 1/2" blocks.

I will be working on these later today, keeping busy and still working on that 2 1/2" bin! Thanks for stopping and taking a look at my day! Martha.


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