Keep Truckin' On

I have still been working on my bin of 2 1/2" strips since coming home. I first started drawing up and coloring blocks I thought I might like to do.....

Started with top block and pulled out some strips and cut them to appropriate lengths. I had some grey Kaffe print leftover from a backing. It was about three yards long but only 24" wide. I decided to use it as my stable background.

Soon I had a few made and decided to stagger them to make a sort of ripple effect happen. The blocks are rather large 16 1/2" square. So I am only making 12 of them and plan to make a little border all around to slightly increase the size.  I am staggering by making a half block in the beginning and end of the middle row.

Top row is sewn together , however middle row is not as of yet!  

I got my extra blocks quilted and bound, they are about 24" square. All for now chatter later, Martha.


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